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Taking steps to mitigate the risks of distracted driving

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2023 | Car Accidents

Most drivers may be aware of how vital it is to maintain constant awareness while behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. However, this might not always be enough to prevent some drivers from succumbing to sources of distraction and even a moment of inattention may increase one’s risk of causing a dangerous car accident to occur. While there might be certain steps drivers in Illinois can take to protect against the trials of distracted driving, they might not always be able to rely on others to do the same. 

Protecting against distracted driving 

When it comes to reducing the risks of distracted driving, addressing some of the most common types of such negligence may be vital. Texting and driving remains a leading cause of distracted driving collisions and avoiding such behavior may help stem the tide of similar incidents. Punching addresses into a GPS and changing radio stations could also lead to issues with inattention and drivers may benefit from allowing passengers to handle such tasks or pulling over if necessary. 

Studies indicate that making playlists before getting behind the wheel could also help one avoid feeling the need to mess with the radio while driving. Eating and grooming are two more examples of actions that can take one’s focus off the task at hand. Those who are behind schedule may feel tempted to make similar decisions, and knowing the risks involved may also help a person avoid such behavior while behind the wheel.  

Crossing paths with a distracted driver 

While taking steps to avoid succumbing to distraction can help reduce car accident risks, sometimes there may be little one can do to respond to the reckless actions of others. Those who cross paths with a distracted driver may struggle to react in time to avoid collision and the outcome of an ensuing crash could leave them with severe or permanent injuries. Individuals in Illinois who suffer harm under such scenarios could choose to consult with an attorney for advice on their available legal avenues and in preparing to navigate every step of the subsequent process. 


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