The thought of two cars colliding causes shivers up your spine. While that situation can absolutely end in fatalities and serious injuries, there is another type of vehicle collision that has the probability for the most severe injuries. Those accidents are the result...
Month: July 2018
Study finds many nursing homes are woefully understaffed
A nursing home should be a place where a Cook County resident may live knowing that their medical and personal care will be attended to by competent medical professionals and facility staff. Individuals who choose to move into nursing homes often do so because they...
Have a loved one in a nursing home? Learn about bed sores
When it became clear that your aging loved one could no longer live alone, you began searching for a nursing home that you felt would provide him or her with the level of care you expect. You may have toured several nursing homes in and around Chicago before finding...
Survivor benefits for child after parent dies in work accident
After a sudden and tragic accident, family members often face their worst fear with the passing of a loved one.There are many ways in which a person can be the victim of a tragic fatal accident. However, one that many sometimes do not think about is the possibility of...
Common defenses to medical malpractice
Cook County's residents expect that, when they need medical care, they can turn to an experienced doctor to obtain a quick and accurate diagnosis, as well as effective and timely treatment. Tragically, though, far too often mistakes are made in the medical field that...