Help For Injured Railroad Workers And Their Families
Since the earliest days of railroad transportation in the United States, jobs supporting train operations have been associated with increased risk of injury. Railroad-related injuries can occur because of falls, collisions, asbestos exposure and other toxic exposure hazards, motor vehicle collisions, trip and falls, repetitive motion and stress, crush accidents, defective equipment and more. For more than 100 years, the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA) has allowed railroad workers injured on the job in the United States to seek compensation from the railroad companies that employ them.
To increase your chances of a successful injury or death claim after a railroad work-related injury, work with an experienced and proven plaintiff’s firm. At the law offices of Kent M. Lucaccioni, we have recovered more than $150 million for Illinois residents in personal injury, wrongful death, workers’ compensation and other types of injury cases, including FELA claims.
How the FELA Works
As a maintenance-of-way worker, mechanic, hostler, track inspector, conductor, engineer, police officer contractor, or other worker injured in the course of railroad work, you may bring a claim for compensation within three years in state or federal court. You and your lawyer will need to show that the railroad company, or any employee, agent or contractor working for it, was negligent and a cause in whole or in part of your injuries. FELA claims are subject to determinations of comparative negligence. That is, even if the railroad company or its agents were only partially at fault, you can still recover proportionate damages to cover:
- Medical expenses (past and future)
- Lost wages and fringe benefits
- Physical and mental pain and suffering
- Disability and loss of a normal life
- Loss of earning potential if you remain disabled
If we represent you, we will fully investigate and document your injuries, the cause of the incident and the railroad company’s degree of liability. We will work hard to demonstrate that the railroad company was to blame for the injury or the fatal accident of your loved one. We will present compelling arguments on your behalf in settlement conferences, mediation or trial.
Successful FELA claims bring relief to injured railroad workers and their families. In the case of a fatality, a spouse, children or parents may pursue death benefits. In addition, FELA case outcomes often set legal precedents that lead to safer, improved workplace conditions.
It is important to know that a railroad claims agent may attempt to contact the injured worker or survivors and offer a quick settlement of all claims. These types of offers are typically minimal when compared to the true value of the case. An injured worker or survivors should never agree to accept any quick settlement or sign other paperwork without consulting with an experienced FELA attorney first.
To learn how we can help you pursue the compensation that you need and support the cause of railroad workplace safety, call our Chicago office at 877-930-2551 or send a brief email message.