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What are some of the most common causes of fatal collisions?

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2022 | Car Accidents

There may be few things in life as harrowing as losing a loved one in a collision and similar issues continue to affect the lives of many families every year. Studies indicate that one of the most imposing aspects involved with fatal car accidents is the notion that such incidents may be avoidable by nature if drivers in Illinois take the necessary steps to promote safety. While knowing some of the most common causes of fatal car accidents may help drivers prepare to avoid engaging in dangerous driving behaviors, it might not always be feasible to expect everyone to take such measures. 

Contributing factors 

Studies indicate that there are numerous factors that may play a contributing role in many fatal crashes. It may come as no surprise that impaired driving is one of these factors and studies indicate that in the United States, more than 30 people die every day in motor vehicle accidents involving such negligence. Studies also suggest that excessive speeding continues to be a common concern and plays a role in nearly 25% of fatal collisions. 

Distracted driving is also one of the most common causes of serious or fatal collisions and sources of inattention can take on numerous forms. Studies also highlight the risks of drowsiness and fatigue, as similar issues can also increase the risks of a potentially disastrous incident. In some cases, fatal crashes may also come as a result of human error, or stem from issues involving a lack of driver experience or a disregard for the safety of others. 

Fallout of a fatal crash 

A fatal car accident can occur at any moment and the fallout of the situation could leave surviving loved ones grieving over an unexpected loss. Should the incident occur due to the reckless actions of another driver, those who experience loss in the process may find the outcome thereof difficult to accept. After such an incident, a person in Illinois could benefit from speaking with an attorney for assistance in addressing the situation and preparing to pursue the restitution entitled through a wrongful death claim. 


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