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The possible risks of nighttime driving

On Behalf of | Oct 19, 2022 | Car Accidents

While a collision could occur at virtually any moment, there may be certain times of day in which the chances of a crash are much higher than others. Studies indicate that the nighttime hours can present with various safety concerns for drivers in Illinois. Since it might not always be possible to avoid driving during this time of day, those who wish to reduce the risks of car accidents might benefit from knowing the dangers they might face and finding ways to promote a safer driving environment.

Nighttime safety concerns

According to studies, one of the most dangerous aspects of nighttime driving may pertain to the impact of reduced visibility. Decreased visibility during such hours could prove dangerous enough as is and the glare from an oncoming vehicle’s headlights may do little to help matters. Studies also suggest that issues with depth perception and peripheral vision are also common concerns with nighttime driving.

Studies indicate that one may be more likely to encounter negligent behavior such as impaired driving at night and crossing paths with a drunk driver could prove devastating. Those who drive at night may also be more susceptible to succumbing to fatigue and drowsy driving continues to play a substantial role in many collisions. The effects of fatigue may disrupt driver response times and make one more prone to distraction and issues of this nature may only act to increase the risks of a dangerous situation.

Nighttime collisions

Those who choose to take every possible measure to reduce the chances of car accidents while driving at night might not always be able to rely on others to do the same. Should a nearby driver fail to take the same approach to safety, this party’s decisions could place one’s safety and health in jeopardy. Individuals in Illinois who suffer severe or life-changing harm under similar scenarios may choose to speak with an attorney for advice in evaluating their situations and in preparing to protect their interests by seeking the full amount of restitution entitled via a personal injury claim.


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