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Possible hazards of surgical site infections

On Behalf of | Jun 9, 2021 | Medical Malpractice

There are various types of surgical procedures that prompt a need to make incisions. Patients in Illinois who undergo such an operation may find that there could be numerous health risks associated with postoperative care, one of which might involve watching out for signs of infections. Should doctors fail to identify and treat a surgical site infection, such negligence could leave a patient facing a variety of possible health concerns, some of which could lead to long-term or permanent damage.

Surgical site infections continue to be a major concern for many individuals and some vital topics to address concerning similar health risks could include:

  • Possible causes: Understanding some of the most common causes of wound infections could prove vital to knowing how to spot the possible signs of similar health concerns.
  • Paths of treatment: Some possible treatments for surgical site infections could range anywhere from antibiotic medications to additional medical procedures.
  • Surgical site care: Medical professionals may also have a duty to inform patients of the steps to take to care for surgical wounds and mitigate infection risks.
  • Time as a concern: As certain types of infection could spread rapidly throughout one’s body, diagnosis and treating such conditions in a timely manner could prove imperative.

Patients who suffer severe harm after medical professionals fail to spot the presence of and treat an infection may wish to seek restitution accordingly, but they might not always know how best to prepare for the process.

If the presence of medical negligence leads to serious health concerns such as a surgical site infection, the health of a patient could be placed at significant risk. Following a similar experience, a person might choose to consult with legal counsel for insight on the next steps to take to seek accountability through the civil justice system. Such advice could play an integral role in helping a person in Illinois understand all the available options and help him or her prepare to seek the full amount of restitution entitled through a medical malpractice claim.


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