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Motor vehicle accidents and the risks of tailgating

On Behalf of | Nov 6, 2020 | Injuries

Many drivers in Illinois and elsewhere may feel that proper spacing is a vital component to safe driving. Unfortunately, others may be unaware of the risks of tailgating or some may simply be unaware that they are prone to exhibiting such behavior. As tailgating continues to be a leading cause of motor vehicle accidents, spreading awareness on the risks of similar driving behaviors could prove vital to stemming the tide of dangerous incidents.

When it comes to tailgating, most individuals may immediately associate such behavior with reckless driving. While those who display reckless behavior may be more inclined to follow too closely, studies suggest that this might not be the only contributing concern. For instance, recent studies indicate that drivers who succumb to distraction while behind the wheel of a vehicle may also be prone to allowing insufficient space between their vehicle and others nearby.

Studies also indicate that some tailgaters may simply be unaware of the possible risks involved. Without ever being involved in a crash, one might not fully understand the role proper spacing plays in allowing sufficient time to react to a variety of scenarios. Studies also suggest that some drivers may attempt to use tailgating tactics to intimidate others or to force others to adjust speeds or behaviors.

No matter the source of the behavior, tailgating remains a major concern and plays a contributing factor in far too many motor vehicle accidents. Those who encounter a driver exhibiting such behavior may also have little control over the situation and they could end up suffering the consequences should a collision occur. After suffering severe harm in a collision due to the actions of another driver, a person in Illinois could benefit from retaining the services of a personal injury attorney for guidance on his or her available legal avenues and assistance in navigating the process.


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