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Nursing home neglect: Common patient safety concerns

There may be many families in Illinois and elsewhere who have loved ones who are unable to care for themselves and require constant monitoring and medical attention. While families may wish to explore the possibility of relying on a care facility to provide the necessary treatment to a loved one, they may also have concerns about the standard of care the facility will provide. There are a variety of common safety concerns to address and knowing what to watch out for could be vital to protecting a loved one against nursing home neglect.

Studies indicate that one of the most common safety concerns at nursing homes pertains to patients receiving an insufficient quality of care. Patients who do not receive the necessary standard of care can suffer in various ways, and such negligence could cause one’s condition to deteriorate or cause a person to develop new medical issues. In some cases, patients could be left alone for extended periods, which could bring about dire repercussions for those who require constant medical attention.

Studies also suggest that another nursing home safety concern involves the possibility of patients being subjected to unsafe environments. Common environmental issues could include improper temperature control in patient rooms or unsafe areas with slip or trip hazards. A denial of patient rights is also a major concern and patients who reside within a care facility may also find it difficult to stand up for themselves under similar scenarios.

Individuals who are subjected to nursing home neglect can suffer in numerous ways, and such negligence could leave family members in search of answers or justice. Those who experience similar circumstances and wish to know more about their available options for legal recourse could benefit from retaining the services of an attorney as soon as possible. Such guidance could prove vital to helping protect a patient’s well-being and rights and if necessary, in preparing to seek the full amount of restitution entitled.


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