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What is the minimum auto liability insurance amount in Illinois?

by | Mar 12, 2015 | Uncategorized

Most Cook County residents know that under Illinois law, a motor vehicle owner needs to have a valid policy of motor vehicle liability insurance to cover financial losses caused to others by an auto accident.

According to current provisions, an Illinois motor vehicle owner needs to have liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage caused to others, as well as uninsured motorist coverage, or UM. A motor vehicle owner may also need to have underinsured bodily injury insurance, or UIM, if the vehicle owner purchases higher limits of UM. For bodily injury liability, a vehicle owner needs to have minimum insurance of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. For property damage liability, the minimum is $20,000 per accident and for UM, the minimum is $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident.

These are only the minimum limits and this amount may not be enough to fully protect you in the event of a car accident. You may be sued by a car accident victim for an amount not covered by your insurance. You may want to purchase higher limits of insurance that can protect your financial interests in the event of a motor vehicle accident, or pay for your own damages in the event of a hit-and-run accident or an at-fault driver who does not have auto liability insurance.

Insurance companies take into account various factors before deciding your premium amount. Factors include your driving history, your credit history, your marital status, your age, your vehicle, other family members who may use your vehicle and other factors. Since insurance is expensive, it is usually in the best interest of a motor vehicle owner to shop around for the best insurance at the best price.

Source: Insurance.Illinois.gov, “Shopping for Automobile Insurance,” Accessed on March 4, 2015


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