Elder Physical And Sexual Abuse
Unfortunately, nursing home residents are easy targets for physical and sexual abuse because they are dependent on nursing home staff and are either unable to report it or are coerced. To make matters worse, much of this abuse is on areas of the body covered by clothing, or in the case of a fracture, isn’t seen at all. Physical abuse includes both sexual assault and any form of physical assault or maltreatment.
While there a several statistics on nursing home abuse, the U.S. House Committee on Government Reform has stated that one-third of nursing homes are cited for abuse while the National Center on Elder Abuse has indicated that, “more than one in ten elders may experience some type of abuse, but only one in five cases or fewer are reported.” This means that very few seniors who have been abused get the help they need.
If a loved one has unexplained bruising, cuts, burns or broken bones, we strongly encourage you to reach out to our team of lawyers.
Elgin Physical Elder Abuse Attorney
When a loved one is abused, the emotions can be overwhelming. We understand this and are committed to taking our approach that has obtained, to date, more than $100 million in compensation for our clients and bolster accountability and safety while elevating the quality of life for your loved one.
We are ready to work one-on-one with you to assess you or a loved one’s situation and begin building a case. We encourage you to reach out as soon as possible.
To discuss any aspect of Illinois nursing home neglect in a free initial consultation with one of our Chicago sexual elder abuse attorneys, call 877-930-2551 or e-mail us.