Nursing Home Fall Injury Lawyer in Chicago
When elderly residents of nursing homes are not provided proper care or are not being appropriately monitored, serious injury is always a danger. One of the biggest dangers comes from falls. Residents will often fall and a caretaker will put them back into bed without reporting it. Elderly people are prone to suffer fractures, dislocations or other injuries and may be experiencing pain without appropriate medical intervention. Fractures can lead to immobility and put the resident at risk for developing pressure ulcers and other medical problems.
The nursing home has the responsibility to identify and assess a resident’s risk for falls. Nursing home staff is supposed to follow protocol and assess risk of fall at the time of admission into the home and continue to make ongoing fall risks assessments. Unfortunately this protocol is too often not followed or the assessments are ignored.
If a loved one has suffered an injury due to what you believe was nursing home malpractice, our lawyers are here to help.
Elgin Slip-and-Fall Hip Fracture Attorney
Because we have worked on some of the most complex medical malpractice cases in the state, we are able to apply our approach – one that has obtained, to date, more than $100 million for clients in personal injury cases. We are committed to doing everything to secure compensation if a loved one has fallen due to negligence.
In every nursing home fall injury case, we are able to assess the situation by answering several questions, including:
- Was there an underlying medical condition that put the resident at risk for falls?
- Was the resident properly assessed and monitored for falls?
- Was the risk assessment and protocol followed?
If we find any discrepancies in assessment, protocol and monitoring of a resident, we are able to begin building a case to bolster accountability and safety while elevating the quality of life for your loved one.
To discuss any aspect of Illinois nursing home neglect in a free initial consultation with one nursing home fall injury attorney in Chicago, call 877-930-2551 or e-mail us.