If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an accident, it is important that you begin looking out for your best interests.

Falls are a common cause of injury in nursing homes

Many individuals who reside in care facilities have health conditions that may make them more prone to involvement in fall-related incidents. The risks of a fall may be greater when nursing home residents in Illinois are denied a certain standard of care. There are various types of factors that might increase the risks of falls in similar settings and the outcome of such incidents could take a devastating toll on a person’s well-being.

Nursing home resident who has fallen down

Fall-related risks 

Studies indicate that there are numerous types of factors that could make a nursing home resident more prone to falling. Those who experience weakness in their lower extremities, suffer from poor vision, or are prone to sudden changes in blood pressure may be more susceptible to falling. There are also some types of medications that could prompt similar issues and properly monitoring a patient’s health and providing the necessary care may be integral to mitigating fall risks, but this might not always occur in every situation. 

Studies also state that patients may be at greater risk of falling when care facilities fail to keep adequate staff to care for patient needs. Overworked staff members may also struggle to provide sufficient care to all patients. Improper cleaning and maintenance strategies could also lead to issues such as slick floor surfaces and inadequate lighting, which are just two examples of issues that could pose a threat to the safety of a nursing home resident. 

Outcome of a fall 

The presence of nursing home neglect may increase the risks of fall-related incidents and the outcome of these incidents can take a disastrous toll on one’s health and well-being. When a loved one suffers serious harm under such circumstances, individuals in Illinois might choose to speak with an attorney for advice on how best to approach the situation. In doing so, a person may obtain much-needed assistance in creating a strategy to protect the well-being and interests of his or her loved one and in preparing to seek the full amount of restitution to which he or she is entitled to receive. 


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