Have you ever left for work in the morning, but couldn’t shake a nagging suspicion that you had forgotten something? Maybe you think the garage door was left open, or you can’t locate one of your credit cards. Either way, it’s not a good feeling to have. Well imagine that feeling a person has when they realize something was left in their body after a surgery.
This type of surgical error only occurs in a small percentage of surgeries, but the truth is, items have and will likely continue to be left behind in surgical patients. There are many efforts made on behalf of medical facilities and staff to prevent this type of occurrence, however, one woman alleges an item was left behind after her Chicago surgery. According to the complaint, the plaintiff alleges she had surgery performed at the defendant’s facility in July 2016, and the surgeon left a foreign body inside of her abdominal cavity after completing the surgery.
The woman named the medical facility, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center responsible, due to their liability for the acts of its employees. The official complaint alleged that the medical center is responsible because the negligent doctor allegedly failed to account for all instruments, including sponges, used during the woman’s surgery. The plaintiff seeks more than $50,000, plus costs associated with filing the action, which usually means legal fees.
As it continues to unfold, it isn’t clear if the woman has had a procedure to remove the foreign body. This is top priority, and the fees or costs associated with this procedure should or could be covered by the alleged negligent party. It is scary to think that a foreign object is left inside the body, as this could have serious health consequences. Hopefully, no further injury was incurred to the plaintiff, although that is not always the case.