It is unfortunate that accidents between an automobile and a motorcycle can result in a fatality. Motorcyclists are vulnerable when riding because of the lack of protection they are accorded, even if they are wearing a helmet and adhering to all the applicable laws. An automobile accident involving a motorcyclist is not limited to motorcyclists who are riding for fun. They can involve motorcyclists who work in jobs in which they help and protect people, such as those in law enforcement. Regardless, when there is a crash involving a motorcycle and it results in a fatality, the family that has suffered the loss of a loved one needs to bear the future in mind when considering a legal filing.
A Chicago law enforcement officer who worked in the SWAT unit and had been on the job for 14 years was killed in an off-duty motorcycle accident. The incident happened at around 2:05 a.m. when a vehicle that went through a red light hit the motorcycle. The officer, age 49, had his helmet on at the time. He was rushed to the hospital where he was declared dead. The driver who went through the red light is facing charges.
When there is a motorcycle accident, the family left behind will have a great deal to consider. If the person survives, there can be a long hospital stay, the need for extensive treatment and perhaps long-term care. He or she might not be able to return to work causing significant financial and personal hardship. The family might be tasked with caring for the injured loved one. If there is a fatality, there will be a host of other issues that must be taken into consideration such as making ends meet. With an accident that occurred as a traffic violation, the investigation and proof of what occurred can be key in moving forward with a legal filing to pursue compensation.
In this accident, a police officer was hit by a car that is alleged to have run through a red light and killed him. Families in situations like this one may want to consider a lawsuit. Doing so can help them seek the compensation they need to cope financially with the aftermath of the accident.
Source: Chicago Sun-Times, “Off-duty CPD officer killed in crash was ‘awesome SWAT guy’,” Jon Seidel, Sept. 18, 2016