There are few things worse for expectant parents in Cook County than to learn that their baby has suffered an injury at birth that could have long-lasting consequences. Some of these issues are unavoidable and simply happen through uncontrollable circumstances. Others, however, were due to a negligent doctor or other medical professional who did not follow the proper procedures or made a mistake that led to the injury.
Parents whose child has suffered a birth injury will often face massive medical costs and other personal issues. It is important to have a full investigation conducted to determine whether the injury could have been prevented. There are numerous problems that can occur to a newborn baby. These include cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, brain damage, a lack of oxygen to the brain, shoulder dystocia, brachial plexus injuries and fetal death.
Any one of the above-listed issues can lead to the child facing a lifetime of struggles. He or she might need extensive rehabilitation, surgical procedures, continuous medical care, and might never have the chance to lead a normal life. The parents will have to face the reality of never having a child with whom they can share their lives. They might have to pay for long-term care and be confronted with the personal and financial factors that accompany a child with disabilities. These consequences are all the worse if proper medical care could have prevented the injury.
Parents who have a child who was injured at birth and believe that it was due to medical malpractice need to be fully aware of their rights to be compensated. A child who has suffered a birth injury due to a medical error is an unwitting victim, and the parents are also victims. While a financial award or settlement cannot turn back time and prevent what happened, it can provide assistance to both the parents and the child.
Speaking to an attorney is important when considering a legal filing after a child suffered a birth injury. Our firm’s website contains useful information regarding birth injuries and other medical malpractice issues.