A fatal accident on the south side of Chicago took the life of one passenger after what appeared to witnesses to be a high-speed joy ride between two vehicles. The 18-year-old, college-bound man involved in the accident was charged with reckless homicide and transported to Cook County’s John H. Stronger, Jr. Hospital. A legal spokesperson for the youth confirmed he was a student at a local high school.
Police later found a bag with marijuana in his possession. A test performed at the hospital confirmed the presence of THC in his system. He confessed to being the driver of the car and having smoked cannabis earlier in the day.
The young man was released on his own personal recognizance with $350,000 bond. After appearing at Central Court, the judge ruled he would be placed on an electronic monitor.
According to court documents, the teen was operating a 2013 Hyundai Sonata at an excessive rate of speed. He had a passenger in the car. Witnesses observed him speeding past a second vehicle close to the 8100 block of S. South Chicago Avenue. He passed through 78th and 79th street green lights at a high rate of speed.
Other observers saw him run a red light. He later struck a pole at 81st street, after careening past another car to follow the Pontiac his cousin was driving.
Upon impact, the passenger in the teen’s car was expelled from the vehicle and later died.
A car accident can alter the lives of those involved in the incident, as well as their family members. If you or someone you love have been hurt or suffered a fatality in a collision on the public roads of Illinois, you have the right to investigate what the law says so as to receive compensation or damages. It is in your best interest to fully inform yourself of the legal repercussions of a tragic auto accident.
Source: The Chicago Tribune, “Teen released, put on electronic monitoring in fatal crash” Deanese Williams-Harris, Apr. 15, 2014