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What factors contribute to the risk of birth injuries?

On Behalf of | Jul 30, 2024 | Birth Injuries

The joy of welcoming a new child can quickly turn to worry when birth injuries occur. Parents often feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn. Understanding the factors that lead to these injuries is crucial for families seeking answers and support.

Various elements can impact the safety of childbirth. This blog will explore these critical contributors to birth injuries, shedding light on what parents need to know. Whether you’re dealing with a recent incident or want to be informed, this blog can help you learn the risks.

What are the factors that can lead to birth injuries?

There are many factors that can significantly increase the risk of a difficult birth or injury to the newborn during labor. They often relate to the size of the baby, the mother’s physical characteristics or the positioning of the infant during birth.

  • Baby’s weight: Larger infants may face challenges passing through the birth canal, potentially leading to complications. Conversely, premature babies born before 37 weeks gestation are also at higher risk. Their fragile bodies are more susceptible to injury during the birthing process.
  • Mother’s weight: Maternal obesity is another factor that can contribute to difficult births. Excess weight can complicate the pregnancy and delivery process, potentially leading to various complications.
  • Abnormal infant position: Breech deliveries where the baby comes out buttocks-first can complicate the delivery process and increase the risk of injury. These situations often require specialized medical interventions to ensure a safe birth.
  • Negligence:  The mother and the child can be at risk of injuries if doctors and nurses fail to provide the proper care during the delivery. Negligence can involve misdiagnosis, improper use of medical tools or delays in treatment.

Health care providers must mitigate these risk factors and monitor pregnancies closely. Early identification of these issues allows for proper planning and intervention, potentially mitigating the risks associated with difficult births.

Taking action after a birth injury

Parents can better advocate for their children’s care and rights by understanding the factors that contribute to these incidents. Remember that you’re not alone in this journey. If your family has experienced a birth injury, it’s crucial to seek both medical and legal support.


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