There may be few types of collisions that prove nearly as dangerous as those involving pedestrians. With little to no barriers to shield them from harm, a car accident could pose a significant threat to the health of a pedestrian in Illinois. While it might not always be feasible to react to a fast-moving vehicle in time to escape danger, it may be possible to reduce the risks of encountering a similar scenario by adhering to pedestrian safety techniques.
Promoting safety
Individuals who prefer to use the sidewalk as a primary lane of travel could benefit from taking various steps to promote a safer atmosphere as they walk to and from destinations. Knowing that intersections remain a hotspot for pedestrian accidents could help a person better prepare to take steps to mitigate risks, such as never assuming a driver will yield right of way and using clearly marked crosswalks to cross through an intersection. Finding ways to improve visibility could also be vital, such as wearing bright clothing and sticking to well-lit areas during darker hours.
Studies also indicate that distraction can also increase the risks of a dangerous situation and, as such, remaining alert and aware of one’s surroundings while walking could prove imperative. Knowing the route one will take could also help a person identify safety risks and plan accordingly. While similar safety techniques could help reduce the odds the unthinkable may occur, even the safest of pedestrians may be at risk upon encountering a negligent driver.
After a crash
A pedestrian-related car accident could carry dire repercussions that may have a lingering impact on the futures of everyone involved. Individuals in Illinois who suffer severe harm during such an incident may be left with questions about their available legal avenues, and they might choose to seek insight on the next steps to take by consulting with an attorney. In doing so, a person may obtain much needed advice in preparing to pursue the restitution deserved through a personal injury claim.