Reckless driving behaviors come in various forms and fashions, each of which may affect a person’s ability to safely operate a vehicle in numerous ways. One of the most dangerous types of such behavior may pertain to the act of tailgating, as such an action severely limits driver response times. While tailgating continues to be a leading cause of car accidents, many individuals might be unaware of what might lead a driver to exhibit such behavior or of the possible dangers involved.
Studies indicate that drivers who exhibit tailgating behavior typically fall under at least one of four categories. The first category may pertain to drivers who are simply too distracted to know that they are not practicing sufficient spacing. As distracted driving can be dangerous enough as is, combining this type of negligence with the presence of tailgating could prove to be a recipe for disaster.
The next two categories involve drivers who are either unaware of the possible dangers of tailgating or simply feel that they are capable of safely operating a vehicle under similar circumstances. The last category pertains to those who may understand the risks but simply do not care. Studies suggest that those who fall under this category may seek to use aggression as a means of controlling or intimidating others into changing driving behaviors to suite their own preferences.
The presence of tailgating inherently increases the risks dangerous or even fatal car accidents may occur. Individuals in Illinois who suffer life-altering injuries or the loss of someone close due to such negligence may wish to exercise their rights to seek accountability in civil court, and they could choose to retain the services of a personal injury attorney for assistance in the process. An attorney can evaluate the incident and work with a client in developing a strategy to seek the full amount of compensation deserved through a claim against the party deemed responsible.