Illinois residents often have to be admitted to nursing homes when they are diagnosed with an illness or even a prolonged medical condition. Elderly residents sometimes have to live in nursing homes in order to recuperate or to spend their final days. Unfortunately, the authorities have determined that, in some cases, members of the nursing home staff abuse and neglect their patients. In some cases, the nursing home abuse and neglect may even lead to the resident’s death.
Since many nursing home residents are elderly and sick, they are often frightened to report the abuse to their family, loved ones or to the authorities. However, not reporting such abuse and neglect can encourage the nursing home staff to continue the abuse. In many cases, family members might not be able to detect the signs of nursing home abuse before the resident dies. At our law firm we have represented many families of victims of nursing home abuse. We endeavor to help to initiate a case against the nursing home in order to recover compensation for the pain and suffering that the nursing home resident and the resident’s family has endured, along with the medical bills incurred prior to the victim’s death.
State authorities in Illinois have, on multiple occasions, initiated various public awareness programs in order for family members to visit their elderly loved ones in nursing homes regularly and to be vigilant about their treatment and care. Furthermore, the elderly resident’s loved ones are also encouraged to ask the resident about their stay and treatment and to watch for any form of physical abuse or neglect by the staff.
Physical signs of obvious neglect and abuse can include bed sores, as wells as any suspicious scars and bruises. In the event that the family members discover such signs of abuse and neglect, they can contact the authorities.