Nursing home abuses resulting not only in negligence but also death of inmates have become a dire reality in Illinois. Many times the ones who are most vulnerable to such abuse and neglect by the nursing home staff are minors and elderly. The attorneys at Kent M. Lucaccioni, Ltd. have aggressively defended the rights of such victims for decades.
The residents at a nursing home are not without legal rights. Family members visiting their relatives or friends in nursing homes are encouraged by the Illinois authorities to look for warning signs indicating nursing home abuse and neglect. Such indicators may include bedsores or any other physical signs of neglect. Psychological trauma may also be an indicator of nursing home abuse. Relatives may also monitor the bank accounts of inmates to look out for any financial scams being perpetrated against the vulnerable.
The residents at nursing homes have rights that they can enforce in the court of law with the help of lawyers. The residents can retain their financial independence as well as retain small valuable items that may be safeguarded in the nursing home chambers. Furthermore, the nursing home residents may even retain their own medical practitioners or physicians at their own cost to monitor their health. This may often be critical in order to determine nursing home abuse and neglect.
In case the inmate is intimidated or abused, the resident is encouraged to contact the authorities and complain about such abuse and neglect. The attorneys at Kent M. Lucaccioni, Ltd. have championed the cause of the nursing home abuse victims for decades to establish a record of successfully restoring the dignity of such victims.