Police officials are still trying to determine the cause of a severe automobile crash near the intersection of Broadway and Hazel in Aurora. The investigation is ongoing, but so far, police have not been able to get a statement due to the severity of the injuries resulting from the incident. One witness claimed a relative heard a loud noise outside and went out to see police and fire vehicles at the scene. The damage was so extreme that passengers had to be extracted with emergency equipment.
The crash involved a two-vehicle, head-on collision on a busy street. Police are still attempting to piece the facts together and are unsure at this point if drugs or alcohol may have been involved. It has been determined that three people died and five were injured in the accident.
According to investigators, the two vehicles hit each other head-on just before midnight near Broadway and south of Hazel Avenue in the east end of Aurora. The sole occupant of the Dodge Challenger, the 28-year-old driver allegedly was heading north on Broadway when it collided with a second vehicle on Broadway. He was killed at the scene. The other vehicle, carrying a family of seven members from Montgomery, was traveling in a Chrysler Town & Country minivan. Two passengers, a 57-year-old woman and her 77-year old mother were killed in the minivan. The other passengers included the 17-year old driver and a 9-year old, who were too severely injured to be able to release statements to the police.
The next day, debris lay on the roadside with the markers to remember the lost lives. Three crosses have been placed on the site in memory of the three fatalities that occurred. Police are still investigating the incident, and names are being withheld until family members of the victims have been notified. Investigators have asked that anyone with information about the crash notify the authorities at the Department of Traffic Investigators.
Driving on our public roads contains extreme risks, even if signs and speed limits are posted. If you or someone you love has been a victim of a car accident, there are experts available to speak to you about your rights under the law, including the right to seek compensation for damages or the loss of a loved one.
Source: wgntw.com, “3 dead, 5 hurt in Aurora car crash” Julie Unruh, Oct. 15, 2013